Native Nurseries

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UPDATE (MARCH 27, 2020)

After the last e-mail update, we have received an influx of pickup/delivery orders along with encouraging messages and positive energy. Words cannot describe our gratitude for your support as we navigate through these challenging time. 

Like so many other businesses, we have decided to temporarily close our doors to the public and offer pickup and delivery ONLY for the safety of our staff and customers. Please understand that this decision was not easy to make, but we want to do the responsible thing for the greater good. 

We will still be at the nursery, taking care of plants, fulfilling orders, offering advice and doing everything we can to help you have access to gardening and bird watching. As we all know, connecting with nature can help us cope through stressful times and offer a sense of peace and normalcy.

We look forward to reopening full-service as soon as we can, but until then you can place orders via phone or email, follow our social media for garden inspiration and be on the lookout for more inventory updates on our website. Landscaping services will still operate as usual and our self-serve soil by the bucket will also be accessible. 

For Pickup & Delivery Orders:

We will do our best to fulfill your order in a timely manner. Please note that it may take some time for us to confirm your order as we are fulfilling them on a first-come, first-serve basis. We appreciate your understanding and everyone’s commitment to supporting our local businesses. 


UPDATE (MARCH 25th 2020)

New (temporary) Hours:
Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

At Native Nurseries, we are eager to greet springtime while staying conscious of the developing COVID-19 situation. We know our store is both a source of comfort and pleasure for our community and that many of you are home seeking therapeutic time in your gardens and landscapes. We want to help you do that, while keeping our staff and customers healthy.

The City of Tallahassee and Leon County officials have issued a shelter-in-place order starting Wednesday 3/25 at 11 p.m. Please note that we are open for outdoor shopping along with curbside pickup or delivery. All transactions will be done outside while in-store shopping will be closed. If there is something you need from inside our shop please ask for assistance and we will be happy to accommodate. 

When you visit our nursery we ask that you take extra precautions to ensure that our space remains safe and healthy:

  • Practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and others

  • In an effort to keep crowds to a minimum, we would like to keep a max of 10 customers on the grounds at a time. Make your selections quickly so that others can also peruse. 

  • Group plants in piles using our cardboard flats rather than carts

  • Contactless payments are strongly encouraged. We would prefer not to take cash or checks at this time.

Pickup & Delivery 

During this time we will gladly make arrangements to provide you the wildflowers, herbs, veggies, birdseed and garden products you need with our pickup and delivery services. This is a great way to simply make your selections, pay over the phone and have us pull your order for you while limiting the amount of people on our grounds. You can browse our current inventory here. We will do our best to keep this updated regularly. 

Our landscape crew will still operate as usual. We will use best practices and maintain 6' distance from customer interactions. If you would like to schedule a consultation for a bird garden, butterfly garden or just need general maintenance, please don't hesitate to call.

All spring workshops will be canceled until further notice. Please note our protocols may change as we adapt to these evolving circumstances. 

We are honored to be included in such a resilient and thoughtful community, and we deeply appreciate your support as we continue our work of bringing people and nature together in their yards and gardens.

- Elizabeth and everyone at Native Nurseries