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Spring Herb Recipes

Whether you have a backyard herb garden or prefer to grow herbs in pots, spring and summer harvests will have you incorporating vibrant new flavors and depth to your everyday meals. Last week Lilly and I hosted the Annual Herbal Event and were asked to post some of the recipes we talked about and brought in to share. Here's a couple tasty and unique ways to cook with fresh picked herbs.

Sweet Onion & Oregano Flax Crackers


1 cup flaxseeds
1/4 cup hulled hemp seeds or sunflower seeds
1 cup flax meal
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 cup fresh herbs (rosemary, oregano, garlic chives, etc)
4 tbsp tamari or soy sauce
2-3 tbsp maple syrup
2 sweet onions
1/2 c water

*Various herbs can be used to tune them to your taste. 


1. Chop roughly 1 1/2 sweet onions and then process in a blender or food processor on low until it becomes a thick choppy liquid. The other half can be cut into very thin slices to later add to the rest of the ingredients. 

2. In a medium bowl mix together all ingredients and let sit for 30 minutes to let the chia and flax gelatinize. Mix with a big spoon or spatula. If the mixture seems to dry add a tablespoon or two of water. 

2. If you have a dehydrator spread mixture thinly and evenly on the liner tray. I have an Excalibur Dehydrator that I couldn't live without. Alternatively line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set your oven to the lowest setting, leaving the oven door cracked open to help keep the temperature below 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Dehydrate or bake in oven for 4 to 6 hours until crispy.

3. Break into cracker size pieces.

*Note: they can be preserved in the fridge for about two weeks and in the freezer for about two months.

Fresh Sage and Homegrown Potatoes


Olive Oil
2 lbs potatoes
Fresh Sage
Sea Salt


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Scrub and dry approximately 2 lbs. of small new potatoes.

2. Pour a few tablespoons of olive oil into a large (preferably cast iron) skillet.

3. Lay a bed of fresh sage leaves so they completely cover the bottom of the skillet. Sprinkle with sea salt (be fairly generous as it will be absorbed by the potatoes).

4. Cut small potatoes in half and larger ones into quarters and arrange cut side down onto the sage.

5. Bake uncovered until potatoes are tender (approximately 30 minutes).

Luscious Lemon Basil Pizza


Sourdough pizza dough
Olive Oil
Lemon Basil
Sea Salt
Mozzarella Cheese


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll out one recipe sourdough or Italian pizza dough (make your own or store bought refrigerated) onto a pizza stone that has been sprinkled with finely ground cornmeal. Drizzle some olive oil across the dough and smooth it out. Sprinkle with sea salt, add a layer of fresh lemon basil and top with mozzarella (don’t be stingy). Bake for approximately 12 minutes (‘til crust is golden brown and cheese is bubbling).

Cabbage Slaw with Lemon Balm Dressing


For salad:
8 cups shredded cabbage
1 large apple, chopped
2 carrots, shredded
½ cup raisins
½ cup cashews or almonds, chopped

For dressing:
½ cup minced lemon balm
¼ cup chopped green onion
1 cup plain yogurt
½ cup canola oil
3 T cider vinegar
2 T sugar
½ cup apple juice


Mix all ingredients, and chill ‘til read to serve.